Official Nigerian government websites use
A website that uses the extension, belongs to an official government organization in the Federal Republic of Nigeria. This extension is reserved for use by government agencies, ministries, departments, etc. It serves as a unique identifier that distinguishes government websites from other non-governmental websites.
Secure websites use HTTPS
A lock (🔒) or https:// means you’ve safely connected to the website. Secure websites use HTTPS to protect sensitive information. HTTPS is a protocol that encrypts data between your browser and the website you are visiting, This encryption ensures that any data transmitted are kept confidential.
What is IPPIS?
IPPIS is one of the Transformation agenda of the Federal Government of Nigeria with the aim of creating a centralized database system for Nigerian Public Service with single, accurate source of Employee information that provides integration with other business application
IPPIS Objectives
Provide a centralized database to aid Governments manpower planning and decision making
Facilitate automation & storage of personnel records to support monitoring of staff emolument payments against budget.
Prevent wastage and leakages by ensuring staff remuneration is based on factually correct information.
Ensure prompt payment of salaries directly to Employees Account with appropriate deductions and remittances of 3rd party payments (e.g. Tax, Pension, Cooperatives, Union Dues and Bank Loans)
IPPIS Status – May 2014
257,516 Employees on IPPIS as at March 2014 Payroll
218,330 Active Employees
123 Non Core Agencies
17 Teaching Hospitals and Medical Centers
10 Colleges of Agriculture and Veterinary Science
308 Ministries Departments Agencies on IPPIS
29 MDAs on Trial Payroll Today